Thursday, October 20, 2011

Conrad Murray

Kant’s view on the Michael Jackson vs Conrad Murray

            One cannot administer drugs that are not intended for the use that they are being administered for. Each person must peruse the best personal action, the first of which being that of universality. Universality or universal law is what should help people to use their moral compass, if the action you are to take is not one that would be desirable for all to partake then none should. This was broken in many ways, first by not being truthful about what he had administered to Jackson in the first place saying that he had done nothing only to later find out that he had administered the drug and a rather large amount and he was also mixing it. So if I lied so not to get in trouble where we would all be today that is the thought process behind universality that every action you make should be made with the thought behind it that would this be ok if everyone did it. No the answer here is no if everyone that was able administered drugs to patients for their own personal gain we would be in dyer trouble. This leads me into my next point and that is that no person should be used as a means to end only and that you are never to manipulate a person no matter what. This is exactly what he was doing, Michael wanted to sleep so this doctor saw an opportunity and took it. He offered to help Michael to sleep only to fill his own pockets which was using Michael to get money and make himself wealthier. The last thing is that of being the moral authority of the universe. This doctor is not by any means being the moral authority, he is lying and cheating and do whatever it takes to make a buck with disregard to anyone else.
            There is also the thought of duty and good will, meaning that we help people not because we are be pain in some form for it but because it is morally right to help others that need the help. Conrad Murray was clearly not acting in good will he was merely doing what he did so that he could make more money (150,000 per month) not because it was in his power to help and he just should. 


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